Welcome to episode 80 of DanceSpeak with Christina Shipp, CEO of Accelerated Artist. In this segment we focus on how to powerfully be YOU while thriving in your business/success as an artist. (Also...Christina is really fun to listen to, period... regardless of what you do, she's just that kind of gem). Topics that we cover (some of them, at least) are: GETTING UNSTUCK when you feel you've been taking all of the steps to thrive in your career, figuring out your 'look', how to get back to YOUR essence, self-care, what to do if you have a chip on your shoulder, the benefit of choosing and failing, wearing one hat vs. wearing many hats, how to powerfully show up at an audition when you are told to “show up as you” and you still want to stick out, how to be honest with where are you emotionally, and more. Listen, enjoy, and let us know what you think! Twitter: twitter.com/christinashipp
Instagram: instagram.com/rockandrollromantic Website: christinashipp.com YouTube: youtube.com/TheChristinaShipp IMDb: www.imdb.com/ChristinaShipp Accelerated Artist: acceleratedartist.com
Galit FriedlanderAfter 15 years of experience in the dance world, Galit has worked as Assistant Choreographer for Prince, danced in numerous music videos, including Pharrell Williams' "Happy", has been featured in two dance publications, and currently works as a dance instructor and conditioning specialist in Los Angeles and around the country. Archives
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