Episode 79 with Gigi Torres is HERE and, woot woot, ready to give you a deep and guided look into how Gigi built her career as a world-renowned teacher, choreographer and community builder. What I found so fulfilling in my interview with Gigi was the core story of how a determined person in the dance world can make their own lane. Some of the highlights of the episode include: how Gigi manages her projects and continues to build, branding advice, the conversation around BURNOUT (how it happened to Gigi, what she learned, and recommendations), the inspiration around Gigi's intensive and events, how Gigi developed and continues to develop her business savvy, recommendations for teachers looking to get more work, what Gigi has observed as a difference between those who last for the long haul in the dance world and those who do not and well... more. Thank you for listening and ENJOY! Twitter: twitter.com/geegtorres
Instagram: instagram.com/geegtorres Website: gigitorres.com EstablishYourEmpire: establishyourempire.com YouTube: youtube.com/gigitorres Facebook: facebook.com/officialgigitorres TheMovementAgency: movement-agency.com/gigi-torres
Welcome to DanceSpeak episode 78 with Mykell Wilson (Justin Bieber, Prince, Gnarles Barkley). I feel that this episode can really serve as motivation to a person in any given field, and feel so lucky that the dance world has so much of him. As a dancer, choreographer, public speaker, singer, teacher and author, Mykell's talent, tenacity, and grit, shows what an epic work ethic looks like and what it can do. Some of the topics we explore include: what lead Mykell into teaching, how Mykell transitioned into dance and experienced success in a relatively short period of time (note: pay attention to how Mykell approached his career change), owning your purpose and how hard to push, starting a professional dance career at age 23.5, what Mykell has observed about some of his awesome and successful peers, how Mykell's book came to be, and more. Thanks for listening! Twitter: twitter.com/MightyMykell
Instagram: instagram.com/mightymykell Website: mightymykell.com YouTube: youtube.com/saekell |
Galit FriedlanderAfter 15 years of experience in the dance world, Galit has worked as Assistant Choreographer for Prince, danced in numerous music videos, including Pharrell Williams' "Happy", has been featured in two dance publications, and currently works as a dance instructor and conditioning specialist in Los Angeles and around the country. Archives
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